Wednesday 3 April 2013

Top 5 Places to Visit

13 - Top 5 Places to Visit

"Write the names of five places you like or would like to visit. Why?"

     It is always a good idea to have your own aspirations; goals which you would like to accomplish later in life. One common aspiration is to be able to visit different places around the world. I, myself, would want to accomplish something like that in the future. I feel like it's something I must do before I die. I have always wanted to know the feeling of being able to travel from one place to another just for the fun of it, and by one place to another, I also mean one country to another. Wouldn't that be cool? Travelling all across the globe; discovering something new. In fact, if I were to think about it, here are five places I would like to visit, someday.

1. United Kingdom

     One major goal of mine is to be able to go to the U.K. Mostly because, I want to indulge myself in the Western culture for a change. You see, my father is an Englishman, making me half-British, since my mother is a Filipino. I grew up in the Philippines but my father always makes sure that I get a taste of his culture from time to time, usually by having English meals. I have only been to the U.K. once, when I was still an infant. We were visiting my stepsister who lives there. I'm hoping that, one day, I can go back and visit as much monuments as possible. I also would not mind living there too. That would be awesome.

2. Singapore
The solar-powered supertrees

     I have also always wanted to visit Singapore. I like how they're always finding ways to improve their city's environment, and it would be nice to see how they have accomplished this in person. I hope that other countries would do the same and be more innovative when it comes to coming up with ideas for helping the environment. 

3. Rome, Italy
The famous Trevi Fountain

     I would love to go there and visit places like the Colosseum and other monuments, especially places with lots of works of art. I feel like, as an artist, I could find a lot of inspiration if I go there. Also, I would love to eat some of the food there. I have always liked the taste of some Italian dishes, like spaghetti and meatballs. I will definitely try some if I ever get to go there.

4. New York

     I'm not really sure why but, some part of me wants to visit this place. Maybe it's because I hear a lot about this place in movies and things like that. I'm sure that it must be nice to go there too anyway. I would probably visit some of the monuments there, like the Niagara Falls, I would love to see that, and maybe just do lot's of random fun things too. I wouldn't mind it being spontaneous.

5. Caribbean

     I love beaches, and what better place is there to find some than in the Caribbean? Everything there looks so untouched and natural. I really hope that I will be able to visit this place someday. I can't imagine a better place to relax than in there. I would take a week off and hang around the beaches there for the whole day. 

     There are a lot of other places which I would also like to visit as well, but for now, I'll aim to visit these places first. Having a clear idea of what you want to accomplish will help since, you would know what exactly are the things you would need to do in order to attain your goal. I hope that, one day, I will be able to visit all these places and more. Like what some one once told me, "aim for the moon, if you miss, you'll land among the stars".

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