Tuesday 9 April 2013

Those Days

16 - Those Days

     Have you ever noticed how you experience bad things right after you're enjoying yourself or good things after you have just been in the worst mood or situation? It may sound kind of unfortunate but it's how life is. It's what makes it all balanced, I guess. This sort of thing actually happens every single day too. There is not one day of your life when it does not happen. It either occurs during big or important events or through small ones. No matter how bad or good, or how long it takes, it always happens. I know this because, I have noticed this every day in my life as well.

     Some of my days will start out great and happy which means it has a higher possibility of it ending really badly. However, that is not always the case. This can still be countered by countering that bad event with a good one before the day ends, and that's basically what I try to do. When I realize that I am going through something bad, I try my best to fix it, because who likes to end their day feeling like the worst thing ever? I don't. There is this one time wherein something like this happened to me. I remember that I was at school. My morning seemed all right. It was pretty much like most of my mornings. However, my boyfriend was, unfortunately, not in the best mood. I forgot what made him upset but, he was having a bad morning, I'm sure. So I tried to make him feel better, however, the thing with him is that it takes a while before he can get over certain things. Due to this, he was feeling bummed out till around twelve in the afternoon or so. When class ended, we didn't know what else to do, so we decided to head over to the park near my place. It was where we would usually hang out when class ended early. Now, when we got there, he was still feeling a bit down, however, that all changed when we found a litter of kittens roaming around the very park we had just arrived in. They were adorable! and since I am a cat-lover I couldn't bring myself to not go near the little angels. So I did, along with my boyfriend. A few minutes later, I noticed that he began to smile as he pet the kittens (which by the way was his first encounter with friendly ones), and it made me glad to know that he was finally feeling much better. Later on, we began to play with the kittens and we even named them. One was Helli because he swung his tail around like a helicopter. Another was Tim since the stripes on his tail reminded us of Tim Burton. Then there was Sleepy because, as the name implied, he was very sleepy. Another was Naughty, I think, because he was very playful. My boyfriend joked about naming this other one Ugly but I'm going to name him Blue since his eyes were blue. Lastly, there was this other kitten but I can't seem to remember the name (it's been a long time) so I'll just call him Kitty (sorry, I couldn't think of a better name). Anyway, these kittens had no idea just how significant they were during that day. For if it was not for them, we would not have had such a great end to that day. I'm glad that we met them, even if it was only once.

     I kind of find it nice to know how bad events will always be followed by good events. It gives me something to look forward to. I came across this quote recently, "you gotta get through some bad times in order to attain the good ones", or something like that. I believe someone made it her status on her Facebook wall, although I can't remember who. Anyway, I found it to be very inspiring because it made me further realize that the more bad times that come, the bigger and better the good times will be in the future. So I don't have to fret about the bad things that could come right after I've finished having fun since something even better will happen afterwards, and I can't wait.

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