Sunday 3 February 2013

In His Arms

6 - In His Arms

"Describe the most comfortable spot you can find."

     In the dictionary, the word "comfortable" means producing mental comfort or ease. But we also have our own connotations for it. For some of us, it could mean being in a certain place, having a certain thing or being with a certain some one. Whatever it is, it gives us this sense of comfort. For me, the most comfortable spot I can be in is being in the arms of my love. That is Emmanuel Benedict Burgos Briones.

     There's just something about being in his arms that I find so comforting. The way it feels so warm and caring makes me feel safer. Like nothing is going to hurt or judge me. It's as if, the world slows down, and what anybody says about us doesn't matter. And knowing that he's right there for me makes me feel like I'm needed. Most of all, it makes me feel like I'm not alone. I don't know if he knows just how much I love being in his arms. There's nothing like it. If we could, I would hug him for hours and I would never get tired of it. I know, it sounds pretty sappy but I mean it. That's just how much I love being with him. Even if we didn't utter a word, I would still enjoy his company. I don't mind because his presence is enough for me. I have always wondered how it would feel like to be in some one's arms and I'm very lucky that I get to be in his.

     I'm sure that other people know how I feel. They must enjoy being in the arms of their lover too. But other people probably enjoy being in the arms of some one else like their mother, father or friend. However, it doesn't matter who he/she is to you. As long as that person makes you feel comfortable, safe, loved, cared, and needed, then being with that person is where you would want to be in the most.

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