Thursday 7 February 2013

A Strange Nightmare

8 - A Strange Nightmare

"Write about a terrifying nightmare."

     Nightmares are usually supposed to be scary. I mean, that's how you classify them as one. If it made you feel uncomfortable or scared then you call it a nightmare, a bad dream. But, for some reason, my nightmares are not always 100% horrific. Most of the time, it has its weird and funny moments that just don't make sense. It's like my mind wants to scare me but does not want to scare me at the same time. Sometimes, I would question the strange things that my brain comes up with when I'm dreaming.

"I'm the devil and I'm gonna chase you now,
(and I'm taking the moon with me)"
"holy" cupcakes I guess?
     There is this one nightmare that I had when I was in fifth grade. I found it to be so scary that I never forgot about it. However, it was also quite weird. Here's what happened, I was alone, walking on the street, on my way home I think. Then, I looked up to the sky and saw the moon. It was a full moon and it was really big. Then, I noticed that something was behind it. I saw a dark figure with horns and wings. It was the devil.  After seeing it, I panicked and ran as fast as I could. But I was having a difficult time running because, apparently, I was wearing these slippers that I only wear at home (my brain loves giving me a difficult time). While I was running, I kept looking back to see if he was still there. As I kept looking back, I noticed that he was getting closer and closer (or he was getting bigger and bigger, either way he was still chasing me). So I got even more scared. But, I saw this building from afar, it was a church, and there was a mob of people with torches and pitch forks rallying around it. Desperate to get some help, I ran towards it. When I got there, I told them about the devil that was chasing me. So they did a ritual to defeat him. The people joined hands and formed a circle. Meanwhile, the children, who were present, were given these "holy" cupcakes to eat (yeah, I have no idea why cupcakes, I think I was hungry). Anyway, in the centre of the circle, there was a box. Then, I think the people started saying some kind of incantation. When I looked up at the sky, I saw the devil. But when he got near us, the ritual started taking effect. He slowly began to shrivel unto the box that was in the centre until he formed the letter S on it. After seeing what happened, every one cheered. But I didn't. For some reason I felt like something was wrong. When I looked up at the sky, once more, I saw that he was still there! We all thought that that had destroyed him but it didn't work. So, some one told me to run home because there were some people there who could help me. So I did. I ran as fast as I could. Then, in the midst of all that confusion, I suddenly saw my classmate, Cheska, in one of the houses. She greeted me, "Hi Kim!", as if nothing wrong was happening. So I replied, "Not now Cheska, I'm being chased by the devil." then continued running to my house. Then, when I finally reached my home, the front door opened and I saw a bunch of people inside wearing these black robes as if they were members of a cult or something. Just when I was about to go in and ask what was going on, I woke up, shivering and sweating.

     That was the most frightening dream that I had ever had at that time. I had no idea why I had it. I had so much questions like, why was the devil chasing me? What's with the letter S? Why did I think about children eating holy cupcakes? Days later, I tried looking up what those things might have meant from a book I found in our school library that had the meanings to some things that you could find in a dream. All I learned from it was that I could have been facing a problem or a troubling situation at that time. I wasn't sure if I was, but I could never forget that nightmare. That weird, weird nightmare.

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