Friday 29 March 2013

Things I've Always Wanted To Do

11 - Things I've Always Wanted To Do

"I always wanted to ___"

     Do you have a list of things you have always wanted to try doing but know it's impossible, illegal, or wrong? I'm sure everybody does. I mean, who hasn't thought about those kinds of things, right? I walk into a store and all these crazy ideas start coming into my mind. I start wondering how it would feel like to do this or that or what would happen if I had done it. In fact, here are a couple of things I have thought about doing, if I ever could.

     One is going to a convenience store, like 7- eleven, Finds, Select, etc., or even a fast-food restaurant, like Mcdonald's or Jollibee, going over to the ice cream dispenser, placing my head under the nozzle, pulling the lever, and filling my mouth with as much vanilla ice cream as possible. As you can tell, it's a crazy idea and something I can't do (unless a zombie apocalypse were to happen and those kinds of stores were no longer being watched over), but I have always wanted to try it. If you're wondering why, it's because I love ice cream. However, I have thought of another way to fulfil this dream of mine. Instead of waiting for a zombie apocalypse, I'm going to buy my own ice cream dispenser (once I have the money for it), then I can have all the ice cream I want, before diabetes comes after me.

     Another is being like Banksy and making meaningful graffiti art. If you don't know who Banksy is, he's a pseudonymous England-based graffiti artist, political activist, film director, and painter, and if you haven't seen his works, then check out this link. I know that vandalizing is wrong but if it's to convey an important message then I think it's a better way than doing rallies or anything violent. Plus, it's art; you're using these drawings or sprayed paintings to send a message to people. So, I thought, I wouldn't mind doing something like that if I could. Who knows, maybe I would, but you wouldn't know (like I'd tell anybody... wait... this doesn't count).

     Another thing I've always wanted to do is to ride a bicycle to school and to work. You're probably wondering why this is on my list, you see, I have always studied in a school that was miles away from my home. In fact, it was a 30 minute drive, if it wasn't traffic. Due to this, I was never able to experience going to school on my bicycle. However, I am now in college and this time it's quite near to where I live. It's practically just one Jeep ride away. Unfortunately, I still can't go to school on a bicycle because, I have to wear corporate attire during most days since that is our uniform, and I currently don't own a bike any more. I would buy one but I don't have any money, so looks like this is going to stay a dream for a while. But don't worry, I still have a long way to go, and maybe I could ride a bike to work one day, depending on the circumstances. If you're also wondering why I want to ride a bicycle to school and to work, it's because I wouldn't be polluting the earth if I did.

     There are a lot of other things on my list, like entering a bank dressed in weird costumes, but I can't really remember all of them, so you'll have to settle with what I have just mentioned. They say that life is short, and I guess it kinda is, but it doesn't really mean you should be hasty about it. I'm in no hurry to do all these things. I know that I will get the chance to do them when the right time comes (not sure about the illegal ones though because that's a bit too over the top). Anyway, I'm just going to do what I know I can do now, and I'm going to enjoy it.

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