Sunday 31 March 2013

How I Am Going to Spend My Vacation

12 - How I Am Going to Spend My Vacation

"My plans for the summer"

     Once again, we've reached this time of the year, summer. I'm sure that, by now, every one must have already planned out how they're going to spend their long-awaited vacation. I'm also sure that majority of you guys are probably planning to go somewhere out of town, like the beach or the province. I, on the other hand, have a feeling that I'm going to spend my vacation at home. I have a month to relax before the next school year will start, and, unlike most people, I'm staying in the shelter of what's feeling more and more like jail. I mean, we would be able to go to malls and other places, but it's not like staying overnight at some place out of town. Furthermore, I would really enjoy being able to go to places like the beach since we don't always get to go there. However, my parents are having issues about travelling to these kinds of places, so it looks like we're not going anywhere. But do not fret for I haven't lost all hope on making this vacation the best I can make it. I have thought about it and realized that there are still some things I can do at home and enjoy.

     One is that I can paint. Recently, I have been polishing my painting skills and I'm loving it in the process. I feel so free and have a lot of fun when I paint. It kind of makes me wish I didn't have to stop and wait for it to dry before I can work on the next layer (when I'm using oil paint), especially when I'm in my "painting zone". I just want to keep painting till I'm satisfied with the result. Hopefully, I will get more into my painting zone this summer, so that I'll be able to make as much paintings as I can. I also want to sell some, so that I can earn some cash. I don't really want to leech off of my parents all the time. So, I'm thinking I should probably do something this summer, and, so far, painting is all I can think of at the moment. I'm sure I'll have some other ideas on how I can make some money later.

This is from the game, Sacra Terra: Angelic Night
     Another thing I plan to do is play computer games with my little sister. It's kind of what we do every summer actually. We play games which we both enjoy, like Virtual Villagers and hidden object kind of games. We usually play the ones from Big Fish Games; I like some of their detective and horror themed hidden object games. If you're wondering why we play hidden object games instead of two-player games, it's because, we argue a lot when we play two-player games, and I like taking control of the mouse. I don't know why but I do, when it's with her. I'll just say it's because I'm older. So, in order for everyone to be happy, we play hidden object games since I can control the mouse while she can still be satisfied with trying to search for the stuff we're looking for. It's a win-win situation. Plus, I let her pick which game we'll play too, so that it's really fair. Happy?

     I also plan on catching up on some television shows, like How I Met Your Mother. So far, I've only finished the first season because, college never ceases to keep me busy from doing anything fun. Hopefully, this time I'll have enough free time to finish all the seasons. I am also planning to watch The Walking Dead, since most of my friends watch the series and say that's it's really awesome. I just hope I'll be able to catch up to them, if that's ever possible. I will also await the release of weekly upcoming episodes to some shows, like Hunter x Hunter (2011), and Adventure Time, which I am a very big fan of, just so you know.

     Let see, what else? Exercise... That's a very tentative subject. I guess, I will try to do some jogging in the evening. Because if there's one thing about summer, it's that my junk food intake increases dramatically, due to boredom. I am more aware of how my stomach feels when I have nothing to do, or to put it simply, I eat when I'm bored. So, I feel like, in order to prevent myself from getting fat, I should probably do some exercise. Why is this plan tentative? That's because once I get there, I end up being too lazy to do it. So I'm also looking for something that's going to motivate me enough to do it. So far, doing it for my boyfriend is all I can think of, but I think that's enough to make me do it, hopefully. Wish me luck!

     Another thing I am going to do is play the piano. I haven't been playing it in a while now, so I'm planning to practice again. I just want to learn some pieces really. Like this song called, My Freeze Ray, which was sung by Neil Patrick Harris in Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog. It's a movie, I think, which I watched on Youtube. It's a short song but I want to learn it on the piano, mainly for my boyfriend. You should listen to it; it's kind of cute actually. Besides that, I'm going to "try" to compose some songs. We'll see if that works out.

     Finally, I also plan to spend as much time as I can with my boyfriend within the first 10 days of my vacation, because he'll be going home to the province for the whole month of May. This will actually be our first summer together, at least for a week, so I don't really want to waste it. I don't think we'll be able to be together every day of that week though, but as long as we could spend some days together, then that would suffice. I wouldn't really care where we would spend our time together either. Being with him is what matters after all.

     Honestly, I don't actually think that I will be able to accomplish everything on this list. I might end up spending most of my days sitting in front of my laptop and idling away my time browsing Facebook or 9gag. However, I will definitely make an effort to accomplish as much as I can. Laziness is a cunning adversary but it can still be defeated with the power of motivation and action. You will never get anything done if you just sit around all day anyway. By the way, if you are some one who's going to spend his/her vacation cooped up at home, then I hope this has given you some ideas on how to enjoy your summer.

Friday 29 March 2013

Things I've Always Wanted To Do

11 - Things I've Always Wanted To Do

"I always wanted to ___"

     Do you have a list of things you have always wanted to try doing but know it's impossible, illegal, or wrong? I'm sure everybody does. I mean, who hasn't thought about those kinds of things, right? I walk into a store and all these crazy ideas start coming into my mind. I start wondering how it would feel like to do this or that or what would happen if I had done it. In fact, here are a couple of things I have thought about doing, if I ever could.

     One is going to a convenience store, like 7- eleven, Finds, Select, etc., or even a fast-food restaurant, like Mcdonald's or Jollibee, going over to the ice cream dispenser, placing my head under the nozzle, pulling the lever, and filling my mouth with as much vanilla ice cream as possible. As you can tell, it's a crazy idea and something I can't do (unless a zombie apocalypse were to happen and those kinds of stores were no longer being watched over), but I have always wanted to try it. If you're wondering why, it's because I love ice cream. However, I have thought of another way to fulfil this dream of mine. Instead of waiting for a zombie apocalypse, I'm going to buy my own ice cream dispenser (once I have the money for it), then I can have all the ice cream I want, before diabetes comes after me.

     Another is being like Banksy and making meaningful graffiti art. If you don't know who Banksy is, he's a pseudonymous England-based graffiti artist, political activist, film director, and painter, and if you haven't seen his works, then check out this link. I know that vandalizing is wrong but if it's to convey an important message then I think it's a better way than doing rallies or anything violent. Plus, it's art; you're using these drawings or sprayed paintings to send a message to people. So, I thought, I wouldn't mind doing something like that if I could. Who knows, maybe I would, but you wouldn't know (like I'd tell anybody... wait... this doesn't count).

     Another thing I've always wanted to do is to ride a bicycle to school and to work. You're probably wondering why this is on my list, you see, I have always studied in a school that was miles away from my home. In fact, it was a 30 minute drive, if it wasn't traffic. Due to this, I was never able to experience going to school on my bicycle. However, I am now in college and this time it's quite near to where I live. It's practically just one Jeep ride away. Unfortunately, I still can't go to school on a bicycle because, I have to wear corporate attire during most days since that is our uniform, and I currently don't own a bike any more. I would buy one but I don't have any money, so looks like this is going to stay a dream for a while. But don't worry, I still have a long way to go, and maybe I could ride a bike to work one day, depending on the circumstances. If you're also wondering why I want to ride a bicycle to school and to work, it's because I wouldn't be polluting the earth if I did.

     There are a lot of other things on my list, like entering a bank dressed in weird costumes, but I can't really remember all of them, so you'll have to settle with what I have just mentioned. They say that life is short, and I guess it kinda is, but it doesn't really mean you should be hasty about it. I'm in no hurry to do all these things. I know that I will get the chance to do them when the right time comes (not sure about the illegal ones though because that's a bit too over the top). Anyway, I'm just going to do what I know I can do now, and I'm going to enjoy it.