Thursday 11 April 2013

I'm Psychic

17 - I'm Psychic

"Describe a dream that came true."

     Have you ever experienced having a dream which turned out to be a prediction or a look into the future? A dream which came true? I don't normally have those kinds of dreams. So it came to a shock to me when I had realized that it came true. I just did not really expect that sort of dream (of all dreams) to come true, especially since it seemed quite unlikely at that time.

     The dream was basically like most of my dreams. In fact, I could not even remember the whole thing vividly. I could only recall the main parts or the significant things which I understood while I was in it. Because of this, I even disregarded it and told no one about it. What did I dream about exactly? Well, first, let me explain who were in it. My aunt who, in reality, had just given birth to a baby boy was in it. It was actually about her. Her first born who is also a boy, I remember, was also there. Basically, I was at their house. I forgot what I was doing but, in the dream, I heard that she was pregnant again with her third child, and I kind of noticed that she already had a "baby bump" which was weird since I knew that she just gave birth. Knowing that it was a dream, I did not bother questioning the logic, since my brain loves to come up with the most mind-boggling things.

     Anyway, when I woke up, the dream did not really strike me as odd. I just thought it was nothing, since it's not really something I thought was worth remembering or mentioning (I have dreams way weirder than that anyway). However, I never forgot it. Then, one day, my mother announced to us that my aunt, the same one from my dream, was pregnant. After hearing this, I was dumbfounded. So I told her about my dream, then she was also very surprised. She asked whether it was a baby boy or a baby girl and I told her it was another boy, since that was what I recalled in the dream. Afterwards, I just felt really amazed. I dreamt of something which came true! "I'm psychic!", I thought to myself jokingly.

     I never had another dream like that again; one that came true. I wonder if I ever will? I didn't think that it was even possible to dream those kinds of dreams, but I guess it is. Right now, my aunt gave birth to the baby last April 6, and he seems like he's just fine. I haven't met him yet though. I can't wait to tell him, one day, that I had a dream which predicted his arrival. That would be so cool.

Say hello to Louis!

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Those Days

16 - Those Days

     Have you ever noticed how you experience bad things right after you're enjoying yourself or good things after you have just been in the worst mood or situation? It may sound kind of unfortunate but it's how life is. It's what makes it all balanced, I guess. This sort of thing actually happens every single day too. There is not one day of your life when it does not happen. It either occurs during big or important events or through small ones. No matter how bad or good, or how long it takes, it always happens. I know this because, I have noticed this every day in my life as well.

     Some of my days will start out great and happy which means it has a higher possibility of it ending really badly. However, that is not always the case. This can still be countered by countering that bad event with a good one before the day ends, and that's basically what I try to do. When I realize that I am going through something bad, I try my best to fix it, because who likes to end their day feeling like the worst thing ever? I don't. There is this one time wherein something like this happened to me. I remember that I was at school. My morning seemed all right. It was pretty much like most of my mornings. However, my boyfriend was, unfortunately, not in the best mood. I forgot what made him upset but, he was having a bad morning, I'm sure. So I tried to make him feel better, however, the thing with him is that it takes a while before he can get over certain things. Due to this, he was feeling bummed out till around twelve in the afternoon or so. When class ended, we didn't know what else to do, so we decided to head over to the park near my place. It was where we would usually hang out when class ended early. Now, when we got there, he was still feeling a bit down, however, that all changed when we found a litter of kittens roaming around the very park we had just arrived in. They were adorable! and since I am a cat-lover I couldn't bring myself to not go near the little angels. So I did, along with my boyfriend. A few minutes later, I noticed that he began to smile as he pet the kittens (which by the way was his first encounter with friendly ones), and it made me glad to know that he was finally feeling much better. Later on, we began to play with the kittens and we even named them. One was Helli because he swung his tail around like a helicopter. Another was Tim since the stripes on his tail reminded us of Tim Burton. Then there was Sleepy because, as the name implied, he was very sleepy. Another was Naughty, I think, because he was very playful. My boyfriend joked about naming this other one Ugly but I'm going to name him Blue since his eyes were blue. Lastly, there was this other kitten but I can't seem to remember the name (it's been a long time) so I'll just call him Kitty (sorry, I couldn't think of a better name). Anyway, these kittens had no idea just how significant they were during that day. For if it was not for them, we would not have had such a great end to that day. I'm glad that we met them, even if it was only once.

     I kind of find it nice to know how bad events will always be followed by good events. It gives me something to look forward to. I came across this quote recently, "you gotta get through some bad times in order to attain the good ones", or something like that. I believe someone made it her status on her Facebook wall, although I can't remember who. Anyway, I found it to be very inspiring because it made me further realize that the more bad times that come, the bigger and better the good times will be in the future. So I don't have to fret about the bad things that could come right after I've finished having fun since something even better will happen afterwards, and I can't wait.

Thursday 4 April 2013

Let's Play Role-Play

15 - Let's Play Role-Play

"What did you like most to do when you were in elementary school?"

     Remember those childhood days when we felt so carefree and playing was the most significant thing we would do every day? I was very fond of playing games, especially at school because that’s where most of my best friends were. I wasn’t really into studying at all. In fact, I’m not even sure how my grades were back then. I have a feeling they were not really good, but I didn’t really care that much just as long as I could hang out with my friends. That’s just how carefree I was back then.

     My friends and I played a lot of games, like tag, hide and seek, etc. There was also this one game which we always enjoyed and that was role-playing. We used to pretend to be our favourite characters, mostly ones from television, and we would try to copy what they would do. I remember that we used to pretend to be Pokemon as well. It was a lot of fun. Sometimes, I would draw my own made-up characters, and I would ask my friends to pick which one they would want to be. It’s kind of funny when I look back and think about it. When I was in 5th grade though, that evolved to creating my own fan fictions about my favourite cartoon series, like Xiaolin Showdown. What my friend and I did was study how the cartoon was drawn and make cartoon versions of ourselves, so that we could incorporate ourselves into our fan fiction. It was also a lot of fun. I also remember that I made some comics about Sonic the Hedgehog but I lost it. We created our own characters and I also added them to the comic.

     As you can tell, I have a very good imagination which is great since it helps me develop a creative mind. Today, I use that creativity, especially in my studies since I am taking Multimedia Arts. Looking back, I guess I could see how I got to where I am now, and I think that’s pretty amazing. I never thought that such hobbies would affect the course of my future. I mean, I tried acting in a play and it actually turned out great. I guess playing all those role-playing games paid off in some way. 

Brace Yourself

14 - Brace Yourself

"What was it like to get glasses or braces?"

     Have you ever had braces? I did, back when I was in high school. I needed to get some because two of my teeth, my fangs, grew out on top of these other two which were still baby teeth apparently. So I kind of looked like a weird-looking Dracula. So my dentist pulled out the two baby teeth to give room for the other two teeth to move in, and the only way to make them move lower to their designated spots was by using braces. Now I won’t say that I enjoyed having them because it was a huge hindrance and a big pain.

     First of all, my mouth was in constant pain since the braces were pulling my teeth. Due to this, I had a difficult time eating. I could only eat soft meals, and I wasn’t allowed to eat stuff like peanuts and candies, especially bubblegum. I could handle not having peanuts but, that time, I was really into bubblegum, so that was unfortunate for me. Also, Valentine’s Day was the worst. People were giving out really awesome sweets, so I thought that it would be all right for me to have some. However, I quickly regretted eating this caramel candy because it actually removed the metal strip that was at the very end of my brace in the left cheek, I think. I knew that my dentist was not going to be happy about it, but luckily, she’s a nice lady so I didn’t really get scolded. Another thing was that I had to visit the dentist once a month, so that she could adjust my braces. So just when I finally get used to the pain, it gets even more painful after the visit. This went on for about a year. So it seemed like I couldn’t get a break. After a while though, I think I got used to it, a little bit. I mean, it would still be painful but I least I could handle it better.

     I feel like the only thing I enjoyed about having braces was that I could change the colour of the little rubber rings every month.  This one time, I had some that looked like the shape of Mickey Mouse’s head. It was cute and kind of funny. Anyway, the best thing braces did for me was fix my teeth. I know that it was very painful and troublesome but I also know that, without it, my teeth would not look as good as they do today. S I don’t regret having them. No pain, no gain, right?

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Top 5 Places to Visit

13 - Top 5 Places to Visit

"Write the names of five places you like or would like to visit. Why?"

     It is always a good idea to have your own aspirations; goals which you would like to accomplish later in life. One common aspiration is to be able to visit different places around the world. I, myself, would want to accomplish something like that in the future. I feel like it's something I must do before I die. I have always wanted to know the feeling of being able to travel from one place to another just for the fun of it, and by one place to another, I also mean one country to another. Wouldn't that be cool? Travelling all across the globe; discovering something new. In fact, if I were to think about it, here are five places I would like to visit, someday.

1. United Kingdom

     One major goal of mine is to be able to go to the U.K. Mostly because, I want to indulge myself in the Western culture for a change. You see, my father is an Englishman, making me half-British, since my mother is a Filipino. I grew up in the Philippines but my father always makes sure that I get a taste of his culture from time to time, usually by having English meals. I have only been to the U.K. once, when I was still an infant. We were visiting my stepsister who lives there. I'm hoping that, one day, I can go back and visit as much monuments as possible. I also would not mind living there too. That would be awesome.

2. Singapore
The solar-powered supertrees

     I have also always wanted to visit Singapore. I like how they're always finding ways to improve their city's environment, and it would be nice to see how they have accomplished this in person. I hope that other countries would do the same and be more innovative when it comes to coming up with ideas for helping the environment. 

3. Rome, Italy
The famous Trevi Fountain

     I would love to go there and visit places like the Colosseum and other monuments, especially places with lots of works of art. I feel like, as an artist, I could find a lot of inspiration if I go there. Also, I would love to eat some of the food there. I have always liked the taste of some Italian dishes, like spaghetti and meatballs. I will definitely try some if I ever get to go there.

4. New York

     I'm not really sure why but, some part of me wants to visit this place. Maybe it's because I hear a lot about this place in movies and things like that. I'm sure that it must be nice to go there too anyway. I would probably visit some of the monuments there, like the Niagara Falls, I would love to see that, and maybe just do lot's of random fun things too. I wouldn't mind it being spontaneous.

5. Caribbean

     I love beaches, and what better place is there to find some than in the Caribbean? Everything there looks so untouched and natural. I really hope that I will be able to visit this place someday. I can't imagine a better place to relax than in there. I would take a week off and hang around the beaches there for the whole day. 

     There are a lot of other places which I would also like to visit as well, but for now, I'll aim to visit these places first. Having a clear idea of what you want to accomplish will help since, you would know what exactly are the things you would need to do in order to attain your goal. I hope that, one day, I will be able to visit all these places and more. Like what some one once told me, "aim for the moon, if you miss, you'll land among the stars".

Sunday 31 March 2013

How I Am Going to Spend My Vacation

12 - How I Am Going to Spend My Vacation

"My plans for the summer"

     Once again, we've reached this time of the year, summer. I'm sure that, by now, every one must have already planned out how they're going to spend their long-awaited vacation. I'm also sure that majority of you guys are probably planning to go somewhere out of town, like the beach or the province. I, on the other hand, have a feeling that I'm going to spend my vacation at home. I have a month to relax before the next school year will start, and, unlike most people, I'm staying in the shelter of what's feeling more and more like jail. I mean, we would be able to go to malls and other places, but it's not like staying overnight at some place out of town. Furthermore, I would really enjoy being able to go to places like the beach since we don't always get to go there. However, my parents are having issues about travelling to these kinds of places, so it looks like we're not going anywhere. But do not fret for I haven't lost all hope on making this vacation the best I can make it. I have thought about it and realized that there are still some things I can do at home and enjoy.

     One is that I can paint. Recently, I have been polishing my painting skills and I'm loving it in the process. I feel so free and have a lot of fun when I paint. It kind of makes me wish I didn't have to stop and wait for it to dry before I can work on the next layer (when I'm using oil paint), especially when I'm in my "painting zone". I just want to keep painting till I'm satisfied with the result. Hopefully, I will get more into my painting zone this summer, so that I'll be able to make as much paintings as I can. I also want to sell some, so that I can earn some cash. I don't really want to leech off of my parents all the time. So, I'm thinking I should probably do something this summer, and, so far, painting is all I can think of at the moment. I'm sure I'll have some other ideas on how I can make some money later.

This is from the game, Sacra Terra: Angelic Night
     Another thing I plan to do is play computer games with my little sister. It's kind of what we do every summer actually. We play games which we both enjoy, like Virtual Villagers and hidden object kind of games. We usually play the ones from Big Fish Games; I like some of their detective and horror themed hidden object games. If you're wondering why we play hidden object games instead of two-player games, it's because, we argue a lot when we play two-player games, and I like taking control of the mouse. I don't know why but I do, when it's with her. I'll just say it's because I'm older. So, in order for everyone to be happy, we play hidden object games since I can control the mouse while she can still be satisfied with trying to search for the stuff we're looking for. It's a win-win situation. Plus, I let her pick which game we'll play too, so that it's really fair. Happy?

     I also plan on catching up on some television shows, like How I Met Your Mother. So far, I've only finished the first season because, college never ceases to keep me busy from doing anything fun. Hopefully, this time I'll have enough free time to finish all the seasons. I am also planning to watch The Walking Dead, since most of my friends watch the series and say that's it's really awesome. I just hope I'll be able to catch up to them, if that's ever possible. I will also await the release of weekly upcoming episodes to some shows, like Hunter x Hunter (2011), and Adventure Time, which I am a very big fan of, just so you know.

     Let see, what else? Exercise... That's a very tentative subject. I guess, I will try to do some jogging in the evening. Because if there's one thing about summer, it's that my junk food intake increases dramatically, due to boredom. I am more aware of how my stomach feels when I have nothing to do, or to put it simply, I eat when I'm bored. So, I feel like, in order to prevent myself from getting fat, I should probably do some exercise. Why is this plan tentative? That's because once I get there, I end up being too lazy to do it. So I'm also looking for something that's going to motivate me enough to do it. So far, doing it for my boyfriend is all I can think of, but I think that's enough to make me do it, hopefully. Wish me luck!

     Another thing I am going to do is play the piano. I haven't been playing it in a while now, so I'm planning to practice again. I just want to learn some pieces really. Like this song called, My Freeze Ray, which was sung by Neil Patrick Harris in Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog. It's a movie, I think, which I watched on Youtube. It's a short song but I want to learn it on the piano, mainly for my boyfriend. You should listen to it; it's kind of cute actually. Besides that, I'm going to "try" to compose some songs. We'll see if that works out.

     Finally, I also plan to spend as much time as I can with my boyfriend within the first 10 days of my vacation, because he'll be going home to the province for the whole month of May. This will actually be our first summer together, at least for a week, so I don't really want to waste it. I don't think we'll be able to be together every day of that week though, but as long as we could spend some days together, then that would suffice. I wouldn't really care where we would spend our time together either. Being with him is what matters after all.

     Honestly, I don't actually think that I will be able to accomplish everything on this list. I might end up spending most of my days sitting in front of my laptop and idling away my time browsing Facebook or 9gag. However, I will definitely make an effort to accomplish as much as I can. Laziness is a cunning adversary but it can still be defeated with the power of motivation and action. You will never get anything done if you just sit around all day anyway. By the way, if you are some one who's going to spend his/her vacation cooped up at home, then I hope this has given you some ideas on how to enjoy your summer.

Friday 29 March 2013

Things I've Always Wanted To Do

11 - Things I've Always Wanted To Do

"I always wanted to ___"

     Do you have a list of things you have always wanted to try doing but know it's impossible, illegal, or wrong? I'm sure everybody does. I mean, who hasn't thought about those kinds of things, right? I walk into a store and all these crazy ideas start coming into my mind. I start wondering how it would feel like to do this or that or what would happen if I had done it. In fact, here are a couple of things I have thought about doing, if I ever could.

     One is going to a convenience store, like 7- eleven, Finds, Select, etc., or even a fast-food restaurant, like Mcdonald's or Jollibee, going over to the ice cream dispenser, placing my head under the nozzle, pulling the lever, and filling my mouth with as much vanilla ice cream as possible. As you can tell, it's a crazy idea and something I can't do (unless a zombie apocalypse were to happen and those kinds of stores were no longer being watched over), but I have always wanted to try it. If you're wondering why, it's because I love ice cream. However, I have thought of another way to fulfil this dream of mine. Instead of waiting for a zombie apocalypse, I'm going to buy my own ice cream dispenser (once I have the money for it), then I can have all the ice cream I want, before diabetes comes after me.

     Another is being like Banksy and making meaningful graffiti art. If you don't know who Banksy is, he's a pseudonymous England-based graffiti artist, political activist, film director, and painter, and if you haven't seen his works, then check out this link. I know that vandalizing is wrong but if it's to convey an important message then I think it's a better way than doing rallies or anything violent. Plus, it's art; you're using these drawings or sprayed paintings to send a message to people. So, I thought, I wouldn't mind doing something like that if I could. Who knows, maybe I would, but you wouldn't know (like I'd tell anybody... wait... this doesn't count).

     Another thing I've always wanted to do is to ride a bicycle to school and to work. You're probably wondering why this is on my list, you see, I have always studied in a school that was miles away from my home. In fact, it was a 30 minute drive, if it wasn't traffic. Due to this, I was never able to experience going to school on my bicycle. However, I am now in college and this time it's quite near to where I live. It's practically just one Jeep ride away. Unfortunately, I still can't go to school on a bicycle because, I have to wear corporate attire during most days since that is our uniform, and I currently don't own a bike any more. I would buy one but I don't have any money, so looks like this is going to stay a dream for a while. But don't worry, I still have a long way to go, and maybe I could ride a bike to work one day, depending on the circumstances. If you're also wondering why I want to ride a bicycle to school and to work, it's because I wouldn't be polluting the earth if I did.

     There are a lot of other things on my list, like entering a bank dressed in weird costumes, but I can't really remember all of them, so you'll have to settle with what I have just mentioned. They say that life is short, and I guess it kinda is, but it doesn't really mean you should be hasty about it. I'm in no hurry to do all these things. I know that I will get the chance to do them when the right time comes (not sure about the illegal ones though because that's a bit too over the top). Anyway, I'm just going to do what I know I can do now, and I'm going to enjoy it.